
  • Thermostatic Electric Hot Plate

    1. Manufacture:CIF
    2. Model:PH

    Features: ●Safer: Split designed heating modules and controllers. The Controller can be used outside......

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  • Multi-functional Digestion System

    1. Manufacture:CIF
    2. Model:PH

    Features: ●Safer: Split designed heating modules and controllers. The Controller can be used outside......

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  • Bio-Aspirator with Flask

    1. Manufacture:CIF
    2. Model:ATF-1

    Application Bio-Aspirator is mainly used for extraction or separation of liquid samples, especially ......

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  • Smart Vacuum Acid Evaporation System

    1. Manufacture:CIF
    2. Model:VB

    Features: Vacuum acid vapor collection module: ●It could work with any brand digestion system such a......

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